Discover a vibrant collection of Welsh children's books that spark the imagination of the young and celebrate the rich culture of Wales. From magical tales in Welsh and English to educational resources, our selection offers a wonderful journey into Welsh literature for children. Explore these entertaining stories and educational materials, which are perfect for young readers and Welsh learners.

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316 cynhyrchion
  • Cyfres Alun yr Arth: Alun yr Arth ar y Fferm
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  • Cyfres Teimladau Mawr Bach: Dwi'n Gallu Bod yn Amyneddgar
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  • Cyfres Cefn y Rhwyd: yn y Baw a'r Llaca
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  • Cyfres Darllen Mewn Dim: Cam Llipryn Llwyd-Pecyn (Cardiau Fflach)
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  • Cyfres Darllen Mewn Dim:Cam Rwdlan: Llyfr Synau - Pecyn
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  • Cyfres Merched Cymru: 3. Mari Jones - Beibl o'r Diwedd!
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  • Cyfres Merched Cymru: 4. Gwenllian - Tywysoges Ddewr
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  • Cyfres Merched Cymru: 6. Melangell - Ffrind yr Ysgyfarnog
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  • Does Ond Un Fel Fi: Llythyr Caru Oddi wrth Mam
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  • Sut i Dynnu Llun Cymru
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  • Beth Sy’n Digwydd yn fy Mhen?
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  • Pobol Drws Nesaf
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  • Llyfr Mawr Sali Mali
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  • Matiau Chwarae Clai Cyw
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  • Cyfres Cyw: Llew a'r Dant Coll
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  • Ffrindiau Cysglyd: yn y Goedwig / Sleepyheads: Forest Friends
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  • Llyfr Mawr Straeon o Bedwar Ban Byd
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  • Babi Bach / It's a Little Baby
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