Discover a vibrant collection of Welsh children's books that spark the imagination of the young and celebrate the rich culture of Wales. From magical tales in Welsh and English to educational resources, our selection offers a wonderful journey into Welsh literature for children. Explore these entertaining stories and educational materials, which are perfect for young readers and Welsh learners.

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316 cynhyrchion
  • Twm Siôn Bolgi
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  • Cyw Bach / Chicken Little
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  • Cyfres Rwdlan: Llyfr Smonach
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  • Cyfres Alun yr Arth: Alun yr Arth a'r Gêm Fawr
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  • Gwisg Ffansi Cyw
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  • Cyfres Cae Berllan: Beti'r Afr Flin / Beti the Grumpy Goat
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  • Peppa Pinc: Hwyl wrth Ailgylchu
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  • Peppa Pinc: Deinosor Newydd George
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  • 10 Stori o Hanes Cymru (Y Dylai Pawb eu Gwybod)
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  • Cyfres Gwthio, Tynnu, Troi: Adeiladwyr Prysur/Busy Builders
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  • Paw Patrol - Llyfr Magnet
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  • Hanes y Twrch Bach oedd am Wybod Pwy oedd Wedi Gwneud ar ei Ben
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  • Bod yn iach (being healthy)
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  • Ar antur - Gofodwyr
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  • Trysor Mam-gu
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  • Teithwyr Amser, Y (Llyfr Gweithgareddau Hanes Cymru - Cyfres 10 Stori o Hanes Cymru)
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  • Popeth am Amrywiaeth / All About Diversity
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  • Caneuon Gwerin i Blant
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